Art Analysis

On the recommendation of art experts and through internal research and advice, works of art are purchased either directly in the primary market, i.e. from artists and partner galleries, or via the secondary market, i.e. from collectors or auctions. Pricing is carried out after intensive analysis through historical observation, expert valuations and, last but not least, the insurance company's valuation. The decisive factors in the selection of artists are their art-historical relevance, the trading of their works on the market, an experienced management in the background, a measurable price development as well as a complete provenance. 


Detailed analysis of the artists and works of art by the following inspection authorities:    

  • Curators    
  • Gallery owners    
  • Art critics/professors    
  • Insurance companies

The following criteria are used to evaluate an artist and his works:

Quantitative criteria (excerpt)    

  • Auction prices (past & present)    
  • Placement in sales rankings    
  • Total turnover per year on the auction market    
  • Gallery prices (past & present)    
  • Number of Representative Offices in Galleries (Global Distribution)
  • Number of group / solo exhibitions (past & future)    
  • Number of participations in art fairs / biennials etc. (past & future) 
  • Number of nominations and placements at art awards    
  • Number and success of publications (sell-out of editions)

Qualitative criteria (excerpt)    

  • Age of the artist    
  • Education of the artist    
  • Art historical significance    
  • Medium used (e.g. painting, photography, etc.)
  • Representation in galleries
  • Expected/planned group/solo exhibitions
  • Expected publications
  • Evaluation of art critics
  • Art historical meaning of the artist


Visually similar to price analyses of the stock exchange, data on sales sizes, sales markets, developments and much more are collected, processed and used for decision-making. The analysis takes place both on the primary market (galleries, artists), as well as on the secondary market (auctions, online, collectors).

« One of the greatest keepers of value is art. »

Larry Fink, CEO BlackRock